Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I know I am Wrong, but who cares!

People often ask me the question that why I am... the way I am???

The easiest answer shall be best explained in circumstances that should definitely not be equipped to create a scenario wherein I and my thought processes would be alien to accept the fact that undeniably “I” am someone who does not believe in the cliché…

One should understand that the essence of the juice is whether it was worth the squeeze!

Putting things lightly and understandably is not what I do not do… However, simultaneously, I do expect my peers to have the ability to identify and dwell deep into the nitty-gritty’s of each aspect of a relation that would in turn, give them a remarkable score of a lower incidence of failure in comprehending the same in the not-so-near or a completely distant future. Because our lives are inter-woven with the same threads, the tensile strength for each one of us is more or less, the same. The only difference being the number of inter-woven threads. The more the better!

I once had a friend who had recently come to terms with life after he lost his girlfriend due to the result of trysting convolutions in their relationship, occurring quite repeatedly. He always had a very straight-faced approach to put forward his viewpoint and this attribute of his won him many accolades in his professional career of a Sales & Marketing Executive.

It was simple. He would go to people, wait outside their offices for half an hour or sometimes, one and a half hours (before he got an appointment), and sell those people whatever he had come to sell! Because he was to straightforward (due to contingencies of his job!) there was little that he could not accomplish! So much so that, even his defeat was accomplished in the easiest of the ways…!!!

Coming back to my point, I would wish to incarcerate the dogma that we as individuals need everything on the face (be it a slap???) Putting words in a black ‘n’ white screen resolution leaves no scope for any font colors to be induced. However, I presume my folks and people next to my kin know that I have always liked colored films more than the black ‘n’ white ones! A wee bit of ambiguity, a pull-off jus’ before the climax (I mean the script!!! YOU dirty F**kers!!!), and a placing-back-the-cover when almost finished is what is arousing… for me at least!

‘Coz in my opinion, a lil’ bit of guess-work always works! Notwithstanding the fact that it also gives rise to misunderstandings galore, I would always vote for a lil’ ambiguity than an open secret!

I know I am wrong!

But who cares!!

1 comment:

Shewolf said...

'essence of juice is if it was worth the squeeze'

impressive. also liking colours is different from detesting black and white, i guess that explains the existence of grey(with a multiple hues).