Saturday, November 29, 2008

Downpour versus Aridity

That day, it rained…

Seeping through the parched and eager land, the weak but a steady flow, wiped the arid region of its scorches and left behind absolutely NO trace of any dehydration! But little did I know that this sudden downpour was only artificial and in a while, the condition shall be as worse as it was before.

However, now was not the time to brood and feel sorry…

There were things to be done… Places to be gone to… People to be met… Commitments to be fulfilled… Goals to be achieved… and there was so much to be completed!!!

Yet, my river of dreams was only the result of a shallow deluge that had already found its delta and was ready to be decanted into the never ending sea of emptiness… Furthermore, watching my hopes shatter as a brandy balloon’s smash to the smithereens, was an experience I was not really prepared to endure! But quenching my animosity, I did thrive in achieving what I had started to beget during my initial course of action! I was unified now…

The ageless life of poetry and drama has given us enough words to last for eternity and the usage of these words is best exemplified in the classics and the works of all the laureate’s’ and honorable’s’. At this point I would be urged to quote this from Les-Miserables---

“ To love someone is to see the face of God ,,

 Individually for myself, I rarely read… Although I have always wished that I could. Nonetheless, that does not stop me from appreciating the Cameron Mackintosh/Royal Shakespeare Company production, Les Miserables – the musical. It demands a lot of effort to produce a masterpiece that has played over 9000 performances in London and has been seen by 54 million people worldwide in 249 cities and in 21 different languages. Running since October 1st, 1985, Les Miserables became the “Longest Running Musical on October 6th, 2006 and as of today, it has been around since TWENTY THREE years!

Well for a moment there, I was almost in belief that good things do not last long! I guess Les Miserables is an exception.

The torrential downpours that have started these days, might just last forever!

And this makes me wonder… just as I waited for the dryness to end, in the near future, so would I wait for the showers to stop and parchedness to come, back again??? 

I guess I do not know what I want from life and Les Miserables' Jean Valjean below, agrees with me!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

500 Miles

...there's somethin' for everyone in it!!! 

Observe the reaction of all the cute ladies... they appear to be mesmerized and intoxicated with the aura that this song generates! And it is commendable that the whole bloody crowd gets carried with the flow and sings it in chorus, alongwith the Brothers!

A MUST RECOMMENDATION for everyone... miss this one and you've missed it all!!!

Story of M & N

||| Pulse Date 2Mu^&444||| XIII 0 6 0|||AM’s Personal LOG|||

While continuing my escapades with this strange but an extraordinary planet, I once came across the two most bizarre, yet impressive beings. I named them M & N...

“And he’s gonna honk at the count of three! One, Two…”



Her forecast was correct! He did honk, and not once, but several times! My interpretation to this inexplicable behavior indicated his desire to communicate. This “Honk” is an expression to converse while being positioned in two distinguishable wheeled-vessels (called “cars”) when each of those vessels has its shields off. Nonetheless, in other circumstances humans use a “Dipper” which is a program of flashlights emitted from their respective vessels, and, is often utilized for the same purpose.

However, maintaining contact is easier when these individuals employ the use of an ancient technology called as a “Cell Phone” and “Call-Up” the entity, with whom, a contact needs to be established. But, doing so simultaneously while operating the navigation-controls of the “Car” may invite a compulsive-halt and an unexplained exchange of what they call “money”, by a fellow individual wearing a funny uniform of some sort!

Therefore, they honk!

But that did not explain M’s “Honk” and N’s prophecy (that M will Honk). 

We reached a Red Light (That signals the humans to halt their vehicles for a limited period of time, in order to maintain travel equilibrium) in the next 1002890650 Boutaskial Units (10 earth minutes) , I observed N halt her liner very carefully behind M’s.

“…and now watch him as he reverses his Car on mine” (she grinned when she said that!)

In a few Boutaskials, I could observe M’s vessel approaching toward ours on a reverse course… 

“Prepare for collision! Shields UP!, Radasco torpedoes armed, quantify the suspected damage…. and…” is what I would have shouted. But I was quiet, and no more the Commanding Officer of Di Ǿθέ, I was only tryin’ to weigh up the available options to avoid this collision. However, N did not seem to be perturbed at all and was still smiling.

“He does this every time! Scares me with his impish stunts and all”

And I could see she was right, when M’s vessel halted - after N gave him a “Honk” - carefully avoiding the collision that was set on course! 

During this voyage, my experience of these life forms enabled me to theorize a possibility of an emotional upsurge called as the “Mischief” that occurs on various instances, but is incidentally at a higher rate during an interaction between particular individuals deemed to hold some kind of a relation with one another. And N & M DID have a relation! They Loved each other… and preferred to be in contact with one another at all instances. 

In my previous accounts, I have described a lot about “Love” and have even explained the phenomenon Here

But this… this was different!

M and N were indeed in “Love” with each other. I cannot, but fail to analyze the origin and the nascence of the scenario, particularly putting it in the words of an Organo-Human, “they looked really very nice together”. The readings on my Deciphier indicated emissions of the presence of ONLY ONE life form in these two distinct entities and their complex intricate and diverse behaviors seemed to be radiating affection for the other individual. Also, their Class-Ж Hyqriosentiafic behavior never did cease to impress me during my entire contact with them! 

M knew N’s penchants and N knew M’s. Their repulses were also shared by them and must I commend, they were proficient in keepin’ them away! 

I presume that my trek of this part of the galaxy is nearing completion and I hope to unite very soon, but before I go, I would seek the permission to explore more about the fond beings of this planet and also, complete my hypothesis on their existence and their purpose of continuation. 

M & N’s existence has been defined in their relation and before ending this log I would say, as the humans would say, “I wish M & N all the very best” and expect them to continue exploring “Mischief” and “Love” forever… 

Unfortunately, I am no more equipped to “Love” anyone and shall never be able to do so... 
||| Pulse Date 2Mu^&444||| XIII 0 6 4|||AM’s Personal LOG|||


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I know I am Wrong, but who cares!

People often ask me the question that why I am... the way I am???

The easiest answer shall be best explained in circumstances that should definitely not be equipped to create a scenario wherein I and my thought processes would be alien to accept the fact that undeniably “I” am someone who does not believe in the cliché…

One should understand that the essence of the juice is whether it was worth the squeeze!

Putting things lightly and understandably is not what I do not do… However, simultaneously, I do expect my peers to have the ability to identify and dwell deep into the nitty-gritty’s of each aspect of a relation that would in turn, give them a remarkable score of a lower incidence of failure in comprehending the same in the not-so-near or a completely distant future. Because our lives are inter-woven with the same threads, the tensile strength for each one of us is more or less, the same. The only difference being the number of inter-woven threads. The more the better!

I once had a friend who had recently come to terms with life after he lost his girlfriend due to the result of trysting convolutions in their relationship, occurring quite repeatedly. He always had a very straight-faced approach to put forward his viewpoint and this attribute of his won him many accolades in his professional career of a Sales & Marketing Executive.

It was simple. He would go to people, wait outside their offices for half an hour or sometimes, one and a half hours (before he got an appointment), and sell those people whatever he had come to sell! Because he was to straightforward (due to contingencies of his job!) there was little that he could not accomplish! So much so that, even his defeat was accomplished in the easiest of the ways…!!!

Coming back to my point, I would wish to incarcerate the dogma that we as individuals need everything on the face (be it a slap???) Putting words in a black ‘n’ white screen resolution leaves no scope for any font colors to be induced. However, I presume my folks and people next to my kin know that I have always liked colored films more than the black ‘n’ white ones! A wee bit of ambiguity, a pull-off jus’ before the climax (I mean the script!!! YOU dirty F**kers!!!), and a placing-back-the-cover when almost finished is what is arousing… for me at least!

‘Coz in my opinion, a lil’ bit of guess-work always works! Notwithstanding the fact that it also gives rise to misunderstandings galore, I would always vote for a lil’ ambiguity than an open secret!

I know I am wrong!

But who cares!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Galway Girl

Please forgive my cracking voice... had a bad cold when recorded this one... Also, if you find another piece of music playin' apart from me crooning, please Click Here to go and "STOP" the Music!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Love is Overrated!

I sure have seen people in love!

And it is not good…

Well, I think love is a luxury that a few opulent can afford. We all have grown up watchin’ films and more often than not, one does come across a few Romantic ones. Although guys prefer Action flicks, I beg to diverge from it. I mean not from the “being-a-guy-part”, but with the fact that I like to trip on Romantic ones, occasionally. Not because they are mushy, but because I find them to be funny! I almost fall off from my bed laughin’ the guts outta my belly when I see one of ‘em in tears!!! Okay, now I am not sadistic, but that is how I have become over the years. I have had my share of blues with one of ‘em but now since a very long time, in spite of tryin’ to achieve benevolence while watchin’ anyone go through one of those rough times, I cannot but help myself, but feel sorry for the loser!!!

In my opinion, “love” is overrated. It is glorified to be somethin’ it is really not and shall never be. Most of us spend days, months, years lookin’ for the “perfect” partner and not less frequently, hopin’ that everythin’ would turn out jus’ another “Walk in Clouds”! And for some, it does too. But at times it doesn’t. These individuals, although they never give up on love, they do tend to become flexible, while developing a proclivity towards acceptance. Notwithstanding the fact that they also fall in love, they prepare themselves for what they NOW approve to be the BEST for them!

To exemplify the flip side, we would now concentrate on the former segment, that consists of those who havin’ found the “Love” for their life; have already taken the plunge into the tepid sea of warmth and ultimate gratification and are now completely oblivious to the world and its citizens! These people are those who proliferate & propagate the concept of “Love” and live in a make-believe world where everythin’ is jus’ fine and all is hunky-dory. Now, why would I term it a “make-believe” world???

To epitomize and embody this, I would like to pose only ONE question to all the aficionados and also attempt to answer it…

Where does this journey of Love end???

“With OUR death”, someone, sittin’ a table away from me, spat these words directing them not towards me but to the person sitting opposite to him. But I had got my answer.

Although these three words “with-our-death” must have been a part of their conversation on some arbitrary topic, their steep sound was so convictive that it startled me for a second; makin’ me wonder whether the guy blurted out these three words only to make me hear ‘em OR was I thinkin’ out too loud that now even my thoughts could be overheard by people sittin’ at a distance of five feet from me!!!

Well, lifting my hand and not my head by one inch, I waved it in the air, gesturing a “Thank You for your input” and continued typing on my notebook. As if embarrassed and caught red handed, I quickly scanned both, my left and my right hand sides, to figure out, if there was any one else who had his ears connected to my brains and was hearin’ my thoughts too!

Ending the journey of “Love”… with statements like “Death do us part” and few Shakespearean ethos, is a good way to prove a point, but not to epitomize it. Oh… come awn! A guy sittin’ with his girl on a candle-light dinner cannot think of anything else but his “future course of action” and “how-would-he-impress-her-next” (besides thinkin’ ya know… the usual, ahem… psssss “guy stuff”)!!! And the girl… the girl cannot think anything except her “future-with-this-guy” (and the definition of future can vary). It is simple to generalize. And trust me, this hold true ninety percent of the times for ninety percent of the people who have ever gone out with a girl (they are not married to!!!)

I think we need to get real and stop considering the ideology that our life is no less than what we see on screens! This “Love” is really very fragile; it breaks-up at even the touch of the most delicate of the feathers. Such inexplicable is the degree of its frailness that very few who have actually found it, have been able to sustain it! And the worst of the feathers often strike when you’re at the peak of the goddamn thing!!!

Sometimes I feel, we should quit when we reach the heights… in a relationship! This way, everythin’ still fine and at least you‘ll have somethin’ to fall back on – memoirs!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Chapter 1 - The Ram Household

As much surprising as it may so appear to be, it is but a fact, that the time in a human being’s life span is jus’ not sufficient enough to realize his dreams. 

Well sometimes, this Universe gives you more than you deserve, and as always, you are left, disgruntled, still yearning for more! 

A very good and a beloved friend of mine once narrated me few chronicles from his upbringing, telling me stories about how he spent the formative years of his life growin’ up in a lower-middle class family, stayin’ in a two-room rented house that graciously accommodated his forever sloggin’ parents along with his younger sibling and livin’ in a neighborhood that always had a dearth of electricity! And while listening to him I realized that all of us have a history, one that might not be too great or worth remembering, but at the same time, it might not be worth parting with either. For a better understanding, we’ll refer to my friend, henceforth, as lil’ Ram. But why Ram? That is primarily because our English teachers have imbibed in us that whatever happens in the English grammer, there is only one person who does it, and mind you, there are no points for guessing his name! That’s correct, his name is Ram!

Ram goes to school, Ram eats an apple, Ram stole his friend’s pencil, so on and so forth. It is like that poor kid is one hell of a do-er, doing all kinds of stuff that the teacher wants him to and simultaneously, he also ends up being a guinea pig for all his wrong doings. (Damn, my GMAT English is getting up close and personal!) I presume poor Ram would have had only one thought before the start of each day of his life –“Why Me?” Well, if my teacher couldn’t be less inconsiderate, neither would I!

It all started with the good times. Ram had a dedicated mother, jugglin’ her job, house and kids at the same time and tryin’ to strike a balance somewhere with Ram’s doting father who spent most of his time working and tryin’ to fill the needs with results. Ram narrated me how his parents bought their first air conditioner, their first video cassette recorder and their first car, a used-for-eight-years Fiat that was their prized possession!

In between all the hardships, turmoil and struggle, nevertheless, Ram insisted that he had wonderful childhood memories, those that he would wish to re-live if given a chance.

What a loser he is, I thought. Who would want to live the days when there were no computers, no plasma televisions and above all, no cell phones! What a dingbat!

Back then, the very few wishes that Ram and his family had, were restricted to the fulfillment of  their nascent luxuries that are now, bare necessities for us. A four-burner gas range, for E.g. was somethin’ that his mother had worshipped since ages, before they finally arranged the funds to buy one. However, the present circumstances make it improbable for any homemaker to stir up a meal in the absence of a mixer-grinder, a microwave oven, a sandwich grill, a non stick pan, a pressure pan, etc, to name but a few. Imagine what my good ol’ granny would have done, if she was gifted with an electric chimney during her times when black carbon monoxide laced charcoal smoke prevailed in the kitchen and LPG had not taken birth still.

Now suddenly, Ram’s mother appeared to be lucky to own that four-burner gas range. Is it not?  At least there was no carbon monoxide to asphyxiate her and I guess, she could do well even without an electric chimney! And according to Ram, she was indeed the best cook in the world. But then, isn’t everybody else’s mother too???

Being a Chef I know what cooking is! And I am told by a fellow colleague that every South Indian son would swear by his life, that his mother makes the best Sambhar on the planet! For the blissfully ignorant, Sambhar is a spicy lentil preparation from the South of India and is one of the most graceful accompaniments to almost everything that is a part of a good South Indian meal. I would agree with my colleague. Okay, I do not dispute it, at all, in fact I second that! I might not be from the South but I can promise that my mother makes the Sambhar that I think is still the best that anyone can make in the entire Milky Way or the Andromeda, or whatever you choose…!!!

For Ram, the best part of the day was the dinner time. But, Ram’s family did not have a dining table. For them their one and only bed was really very diverse in its uses and applications. Ram claims it was easy, the family used to sit on their bed and have dinner that was spread sumptuously on sheets of old newspapers and together watch the small television that was the size of the computer monitors we use today.

My Childhood was not strikingly simmilar to that of Ram's but I can bet that it must have been hectic for that poor lady, I mean Ram’s mom.

Gettin’ up early morning, sending kids to school, going for work herself, preparing breakfast for the family, packing brunches for kids, arranging for their lunch and finally after coming back from work, getting on with the family dinner… phew! And this does not include the chores that form the basis of running any household, big or small. No wonder the boy calls her the best! Oh come on, I said, instead of killing that woman from morning till night, you guys should have used a lil’ help from somewhere. But I never got an explanation for this and I guess it was too complex. The finances, the time management, the lack of maturity, the circumstances, so on and so forth. There were loads of factors that ruled the convolutions in the Ram household.

And I guess what they asked then as their wishes would have been good for them, had they been fulfilled. Today Ram comes in a Mercedes S-Class and boasts of owning 4-5 outlets that collectively earn enough to support hundreds of Ram households of the past. Yesterday, Ram bought an electronic surveillance system to guard his house during the nights and just last month, he gifted his father, a sleek four-wheel exported from the States and bought his mother world class diamond crystals from Italy.

He lives in a palatial bungalow that has a big lawn in the front and enough space to park his five cars. The Ram household has two cooks, three fulltime assistants, one gardener and one driver. Their Kitchen is equipped with Hobart machinery that cuts, slices, chops, processes and even cooks the food at the touch of a button, that in turn is operated by a hired domestic help who is as if employed only to push the buttons! A technician, present round the clock, takes care of the cooling plants and all the gadgetry in the Ram household.

Today Ram has no wishes left to be fulfilled. All he wants to do is to mint enough… okay wait! One second, did we use the word “wants”???

I arrest my case!